
“3 of 5”

Collaboration is key to my artistic process. For the past 18 months I have been studying, writing, recording and musing with a talented group of musicians, audio engineers, producers, vocalists and other creatives.

“3 of 5” is the sordid tale of a tragic breakup between two lovers. The miscommunication, the anguish, the loss and absolution of the breakup are told through sensual, sorrowful melodies, deep bass, and soaring treble. Their story is human, palpable, painful. Their story is your story and mine.

The third chapter in an epic love story, this EP is sewn seamlessly into the story arc of a larger concept album that is being teased out as different collaborators enter into the artistic process.

"3 of 5” drops on June 1st, 2019

My sincere appreciation and love go to the numerous actors in this piece:

Brad Piper (production/writing/music/audio engineering)

Zach Lambert (music/audio engineering)

Lion’s Bridge Recording (music/audio engineering)

Belle Burnell (inspiration/vocals)

…and many more to be named soon!